Hot Stone Therapy Course
By using the deep penetrating heat from basalt stones during massage therapy, the body is able to bring about a healing response by balancing itself on all the levels of being –emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. The stones used in hot stones massage therapy are formed from volcanic lava, enabling them to retain their heat. Various shapes and sizes of stones are used to create an effect on the different parts of the body and thus, in a flowing and continuous movement, bring about the feeling of wellbeing and harmony.
Covered in the course
History and Theory of Hot Stones
Stones Used, Working with the Stones
Theory of Massage
Massage Movements and Their Effects
Anatomy & Physiology ---Elementary
Contra-Indications and Safety advice
Oils and Powders that can be used
Massage routine and technique
Course Outcome
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
Practice Hot Stone massage
Perform a hot stone theraphy massage
Having the necessary knowledge pertaining to
work ethics and professionalism when performing hot stone theraphy
Course Type
Internationally recognized provider program
This course contains elements of SAQA Unit Standards ID: 377487
You can start with this course immediately on enrollment and all your course material and student pack will be sent to you within 14 –21 days after enrollment is received.
Although you should be able to complete this course in 3 months, open learning gives you the flexibility to study at your own pace within a 2 year period
Exams for obtaining Certificate 15 case studies Practical exam